About Ole Smoky Distillery
OleSmoky is the leading distiller of premium moonshine in the U.S. and the firstfederally licensed distillery in the history of East Tennessee. Ole Smokyretails globally and offers more than twenty creative flavors crafted from theauthentic family recipe. And while this moonshine has long been enjoyed on theporch from the jar or the jug, it now finds itself in establishments across theU.S. Consumers will find Ole Smoky being mixed in handcrafted cocktails attheir favorite bars/restaurants, or making a great presence on the retail floorat grocery/liquor stores. Ole Smoky has also partnered with some of the biggestmusic and sporting organizations in the country, which means being served athuge events to support these partners. People from all over the world visit OleSmoky’s 3 famed East Tennessee distilleries: Holler™, Barrelhouse™ and Barn™.Over 3.5 million visitors have stepped through Ole Smoky’s doors, making it themost visited distillery in the world. In 2019 Ole Smoky will also be opening a4th location in Nashville. With the countless awards Ole Smoky has won from themost prestigious competitions within the spirits industry, the company hasbecome the most awarded moonshine in the world.