Nike Part-time and Seasonal Athlete

This job has been Expired
Nike Retail
  • Post Date: September 20, 2019
  • Applications 1
  • Views 1254
Job Overview

Work Hard. Play Hard.

You’re a natural leader, motivator and always up for a challenge. Nike is looking for the nextPart-Time Athleteto join our team.

Are you ready?

As a Nike Direct Athlete, you provide world-class service to the consumer using the four service principles:

KNOW: Build an authentic connection with consumers by getting to know them to guide their journey.
EQUIP: Credible Athletes equip consumers through product and service knowledge and expertise.
ENGAGE: Connect with consumers by inviting them to engage with Nike.
INSPIRE: Inspire by creating an emotional connection to the brand between the consumer and Nike.

Job Detail
  • How To Apply Click the referral link to apply
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