Aaron Pippin

  • Member Since, July 7, 2017
  • Languages English
  • Education Levels Diploma
  • Address Line 1 759 Northview Dr.


Work Experience: Track Supervisor at Fun Stop Park in PigeonForge. Supervise/manage twelve track attendants on three different go-karttracks. Job duties: Maintain customer safety, train new employees, formulatestrategies and make adjustments for different scenarios such as preparing for adangerous group of go kart riders, young children, size of go-kart race. Other:Hold attendants accountable for work productivity, firing/hiringrecommendation/assistance, closing business.

Athletic Achievements: Captain on football team(SevierCounty High School) Captain of Track & Field team, school record holder& state finalist

Son of Dr. William Pippin, DDS.


  • Diploma
    2004 - 2008 Sevier County High School